God is a generous giver. He blesses us and lavishes His love in our lives. However, we are not to hoard His generosity. After two years of great hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc globally, our instinct might be to stockpile what we have rather than giving from what God has provided us. But in a culture consumed with consuming and driven by selfishness, we can respond to hell’s greed with heaven’s generosity! God doesn’t give us more so that we can have more; He gives us more so that we can give more. I’m excited to introduce Lifehouse Church to our 2023 Kingdom Builders initiative. In 2017, we launched Kingdom Builders as the strongest and most strategic way for us to invest in and expand God’s kingdom through Lifehouse. Instead of periodically taking up various offerings for specific needs and outreach efforts, we realized that the most effective way to fund God-sized efforts is through Kingdom Builders: an initiative similar to a mutual fund which combines our global, local, and future initiatives all into one effort. Your regular tithes will continue to fund the commitments involved in our annual operations budget (including support for our Lifehouse missionaries around the globe). Still, Kingdom Builders is all about stretching our kingdom impact even further.
This campaign is for those who are faith-filled and faith-led to give above and beyond their regular tithes (setting aside 10% of their income to God through the local church) towards the global, local, and future initiatives God has laid before us in the year ahead. We invite you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond in sacrificial generosity by making a monthly commitment toward our ambitious Kingdom Builders goal. Your commitment is not about finances, but about faith. Allow God to grow your courage in giving above and beyond, and consider how God might supernaturally provide in unexpected ways. You are blessed to be a blessing! We are excited about the projects and efforts we envision for 2023, and we see each of these as incredible opportunities to build God’s kingdom. Thank you for making the sacrifice to be a Kingdom Builder and for believing that God will use you to change the world for His glory!
Goal: $173,500
In Mark 16, Jesus commands us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to ALL of creation. Kingdom Builders gives us the opportunity to support key missions projects, such as providing vehicles, humanitarian aid, church planting, and pastoral development. Everyone, in every nation, deserves a chance to hear the Gospel.
Convoy of Hope is an international relief organization that conducts city-wide outreaches, both domestically and in Europe. Our partnership with this organization allows local churches to minister to their local citizens by providing goods, services, prayer, and support.
Our partner church, Shprese per Shkodren, is one of the longest-running and strongest churches in Albania. Their ongoing outreach supports impoverished communities by providing food, clothing, and a state-of-the-art medical clinic.
The purpose of the Lifehouse Church Network (LCN) is to raise up new church planters and empower them to start new Lifehouse churches locally and globally. The LCN provides resources to these pastors and their churches through leadership development, ministry training, and regular care and support.
The Potomac Ministry Network (PMN) is a regional group of churches connected through the Assemblies of God, comprised of ministries and churches in Maryland, D.C., Virginia, and West Virginia. The network exists to make disciples by building healthy ministers and healthy ministries, and the Legacy Fund is specifically designated to provide resources for church planting efforts through the network.
A21, Project Rescue, and She's Somebody's Daughter, Campaigns are nonprofit anti-human trafficking organizations fueled by radical hope that human beings everywhere will be rescued from bondage and will be completely restored. These organizations are working diligently to change lives and provide hope and restoration for those victimized by this form of slavery.
Montenegro, a bordering country to Albania, is one of the least reached countries in Europe. Pastor Koli and Shprese per Shkodren Church have partnered with us for church-planting efforts in the border city of Ulcinj, Montenegro. Muslims are responding to the Gospel!
We provide and support the leadership development of pastors and Christian leaders in the Balkan region, including Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Macedonia. We identify proven leaders and provide scholarships for their Bible college education.
Church Multiplication Network (CMN) is dedicated to planting healthy Spirit-empowered churches in every community in the United States. They work to strategically equip and fund new churches for communities in need. Lifehouse partners with CMN annually to help multiply their efforts and start new churches.
We believe international missions trips open eyes and awaken passions in a way that can only be experienced, but we recognize the financial hurdles that a global missions trip can present. Our Youth Missions Scholarship is intended to assist with the financial burden of these trips for those students who otherwise would not be able to participate in them.
Speed the Light provides much-needed vehicles and equipment to missionaries around the globe. Since its inception, Speed the Light has provided over $300 million worth of equipment to missionaries in over 180 countries.
Goal: $173,000
In Matthew 5, Jesus tells us the local church is the light of the world. Kingdom Builders is committed to funding the Church’s growth locally through expanding our own campuses; planting life-giving, Spirit-filled churches; and ministering to the hurting in our own backyards. We do not do this for comfort, fancy buildings, or praise, but for the purpose of making a space for those not yet here--for them to personally know a loving, Heavenly Father.
New church plants carry the unique ability to intimately root themselves within a community and to contextually speak the language of their neighborhood. As God directs and the opportunities arise, we will invest in new church plants, supporting them in securing the most critical resources associated with their launch phase.
Lifehouse is committed to continually developing Christian leaders with the experience, systems, and knowledge that our team has gained over the years. Through our residency program, future church planters can gain practical, hands-on experience in real-world ministry while being coached through in-depth training on every church leadership aspect.
We support ministries such as Brooke’s House, Teen Challenge, Noah’s House, Gracies Place, who come alongside individuals in their recovery process to see them freed from the chains of addiction. Brooke’s House provides a community-based, safe, stable, and emotionally supportive living environment for adult women in the early stages of substance abuse recovery. Teen Challenge provides a holistic, Christ-centered approach to recovery for teens and adults suffering from addiction and other life-controlling issues.
We partner with other churches around the city to host localized outreaches. During these outreach events, we provide free goods and services such as food, shoes for children, health screenings, community services, a Kids Zone play area, and a prayer tent where a Gospel presentation and prayer are offered.
Every Christmas we go into our community to host events for families as a way to bless families and get them connected during the Christmas season.
The Adopt-a-Block program is a tangible way we can invest both love and time into caring for the community. Volunteers serve in a designated block of their city to meet needs and build connections with residents by hosting neighborhood events and service projects.
Lifehouse is deeply concerned with the well-being and the development of the next generation. This initiative is designed for the Church to partner with local elementary and middle schools by meeting practical needs, such as providing school supplies and needed equipment, along with tutoring or mentoring students.
As fewer families are signing on as foster parents, Lifehouse wants to help reverse the trend. Our Foster Care Initiative supports existing foster parents and encourages new families and individuals to become involved in the process, from becoming foster parents to serving as a respite home.
We care about and care for the communities we are a part of. When we see tangible ways to beautify, improve, and invest positively into the cities around us, we take advantage of the opportunities we see as most effective and Kingdom-oriented.
Every year, Lifehouse coordinates a community wide easter eggstravaganza. Families enjoy engaging stations with activities, games and eggs. We also introduce the to the gospel and invite the into our easter services.
Formerly Baby Bottle Campaign, our partnership with HAPC seeks to support women in making an educated decision concerning their pregnancy. HAPC provides free pregnancy tests, confidential results and information, and community-based referrals for women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.
Reach of Washington County is a non-profit, faith-based organization that assists low-income, impoverished families and individuals during times of financial crisis. Reach’s mission is to serve the impoverished community and treat all of its clients with dignity and respect while being a bridge to independence.
The universal nature of Christmas creates a significant draw for many to come and experience a church service (who ordinarily would not attend). Our “Christmas At Lifehouse” events have consistently been some of our most highly attended weekends (especially with first-time guests) and we want to continue leveraging this opportunity as effectively as we can.
As a trick or treat alternative, our volunteers decorate their vehicles’ trunks with a theme, dress in a costume related to that theme, and pass out candy. Lifehouse helps to supplement the supply of the candy that is handed out and provides a carnival-style area for families while they wait in line with snacks, games, and door prizes.
Goal: $70,300
We would risk everything for the next generation, because they are the church now and the church of the future. In 1 Timothy, Paul writes to the young leader (Timothy), encouraging him to set the example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Kingdom Builders believes in coming alongside our future Christian leaders to foster a love for the Bible, God, and the lost. Our Kingdom Builders’ partnerships work with organizations that care for the physical and spiritual needs of our future leaders from birth through those beginning their careers. We want the next generation to serve, give, and love more.
In addition to cultivating our current campuses, we also seek to expand Lifehouse’s vision by creating new campuses that are extensions of Lifehouse Church and reproduce what we do now, in a new location. Planting a new campus allows us to leverage our current strength and to extend it into other areas to reach new people
The Lifehouse School of Ministry, launched in the fall of 2020, will provide hands-on practical training and college courses for those called to and interested in vocational ministry. The Protégé Program is a one-year intensive internship program that provides training, education, and practical hands-on application for individuals who are called to (or interested in) vocational ministry.
The college investment program is designed to help future pastors and leaders obtain training and education at an on-campus university, so that they can best be equipped to serve in their respective ministries.
How will these projects be funded?
These projects are funded by the “over and above” giving to Kingdom Builders. When you give to Kingdom Builders, God’s marvelous kingdom expands!
What about the tithe?
At Lifehouse, we believe that every Christ-follower is called to be generous and tithe (10%) on their full income to their local church. Kingdom Builders is above and beyond our tithe, and it is generous and sacrificial giving that God lays on our hearts to change the world.
What if I have other questions?
We would love to answer any additional questions you may have! Please email MWilliams@LifehouseChurch.org.