A Message From Pastor Patrick
"I’m excited to introduce Lifehouse Church to our 2024 Kingdom Builders initiative. In 2017, we launched Kingdom Builders as the strongest and most strategic way to invest in and expand God’s Kingdom through Lifehouse. Instead of periodically taking up various offerings for specific needs and outreach efforts, we realized the most effective way to fund God-sized efforts is through Kingdom Builders — an initiative similar to a mutual fund, which combines our global, local, and future initiatives all into one effort.
Your regular tithes will continue to fund the commitments involved in our annual operations budget (including support for our Lifehouse missionaries around the globe). Still, Kingdom Builders is all about stretching our Kingdom impact even further. This campaign is for those who are faith-filled and faith-led to give above and beyond their regular tithes (setting aside 10% of their income to God through the local church) toward the global, local, and future initiatives God has laid before us in the year ahead. We invite you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to respond in sacrificial generosity in making a monthly commitment toward our ambitious Kingdom Builders goal. Your commitment is not about finances, but faith. Allow God to grow your courage in giving above and beyond and consider how God might supernaturally provide in unexpected ways.
You are blessed to be a blessing! We are excited about the projects and efforts we envision for 2024 and see each of these as incredible opportunities to build God’s Kingdom. Thank you for making the sacrifice to be a Kingdom Builder and for believing that God will use you to change the world for His glory!"
- Patrick Grach, Lead Pastor - Lifehouse Church
2024 Goal: $520,000